Channel: Active questions tagged express - Stack Overflow

How to avoid activation of insertMany() every time a server refreshes?

So I am trying to insert data in the database using Mongoose. Every time the server gets connected/refreshed .insertMany() runs thus inserting multiple copies of the same data in the database. I have...

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Error creating folders in node.js with express and multer

I'm trying to do a server with node.js using express and multer, in which I can send an identifier and 12 photos to be stored in a folder. I'm using a multipart formdata but I'm facing a problem when...

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EJS, Node.js: Trying to submit a patch request from a form doesn't reach...

I'm trying to submit a form from an EJS module using the method "patch", but I'm not getting expected results. I'm using a Postgres database, but I don't know if that matters because of the feedback...

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Get collection size in bytes of mongoDB collection in nodejs [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to get the collection size of a mongoDB collection in nodeJS including the indexes.Is there any way to calculate the size of a collection (preferebly after a .find() statement to...

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Express+React - Request IP always

I am making a React frontend with an express backend. For context, I am making a contact form that both stores information in a MySQL database and sends an email to myself and the user. Currently,...

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Deploying ExpressJS Api to Vercel

currently im building a MERN stack project. Now i want to host my MERN in Vercel. The problem im encounter were, when i deploying it stuck at "Connected to MongoDB" and "Server is running on port...

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Is it possible to generate a inventory report as json?

I am trying to develop a CRM with an Inventory Management System integrating the Amazon SP-API.I am doing this with nodejs and expressjs.I want to generate inventory reports and I´ve tried different...

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Test not executing code inside subscription callback when using GraphQL Yoga

I have a very simple dummy server with: Node.js + GraphQL + Apollo Server & Link that I'm migrating to Yoga Server & Link.The Yoga version uses the same logic / idea as the Apollo version, just...

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Unresolved dependency while upgrading project setup from v16 to v20.9.0 for...

I am using node v16.14.2 for my existing project. wanted to upgrad to v20 LTS. I have set node version to 20.9.0. and tried npm install, and got below mentione error.npm ERR! code ERESOLVEnpm ERR!...

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My webpack is bundling my code very slow in React Express project

I have a monolith app it contains React and express. It bundles every time i change my code and it takes 30second in order to update my changes in the screen. Build time is approximatly 30 to 50...

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Express handlebar error : Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,

I am trying to send styled email with sendgrid, nodemailer@6.7.7, nodemailer-handlebars1 and expess-handlerbar@6the folder structure involving sendemailThe send email functionconst nodemailer =...

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express-session not persisting when deployed in vercel

I'm using express-session and MemoryStore while deploying on Vercel. Although it generates an authentication cookie and sets it in the client, upon sending another request or refreshing, it redirects...

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How to fix Error CORS policy when deploy ExpressJS [closed]

everything ok when use localhost to run server, but it has error Access to fetch at 'http:xxx' from origin 'http:xxx' has been blocked by CORS policy when i deploy app.I tried add mode:"no-cors" or...

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razorpay double modal, double text and not responding in test mode

I think Razorpay is updating the frontend of the modal and is totally unresponsive in nature. On opening, I am getting double modals as well as double text whenever I write in any of the fields present...

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Cannot extend express request

I'm trying to extend the Request interface of Express as:import express, { Request, Response } from 'express';interface IRequest extends Request { user: { id: string; }}const router =...

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how does one get started using nodemailer using vs code?

i have installed node.js on my laptop. i have some html and bootstrap and css for the front end. i want the user to press the button sending me the details of the message so that i can send a...

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NodeJS - Removing a variable from a text file (Replacing with nothing then...

Using the below code, I am storing one-time use tokens in a text file, upon being submitted in a POST, the script checks the file to see if it exists and then I need it to remove it. Currently, I got...

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Timer ignoring checks and immediately starting in socket.io

The chat application is built on Node.js utilizing Socket.io and express for real-time client-server communication. The software is designed to handle up to 3 users and the chat doesn't start unless...

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Access to localhost was denied You don't have authorization to view this...

I have a little NodeExpress server and when I try to make a request to the server it returns a 403 errorI have installed Cors and used it and tried with chrome browser and Postman as 2 clients and got...

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Always Redirect to Failure

hello there I am new in learning about mongoDB,node js,Passport and express actually I was succefully able to create a working signup page but my problem is the sigin page like every time I am trying...

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Spring security substitute for Node.js

Is there a substitute for spring security in Node.js. I know of express and passport, but passport provides authentication only. It does not feature "forgot password", "reset password" or crud...

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Transaction Management in nodejs with mysql

I am working on nodejs with MySQL. I need to implement transaction management while inserting data in to multiple tables. So that I can rollback all insertions if any error occur. All DB related...

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How to passthrough a filestream in nestjs without a physical file?

I want to passthrough a file upload in nestjs. Currently the only solution I was able to do was to create a physical file and then read from that:export type RequestHeaders = {'content-type':...

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Neither express.json() body-parser not parsing form-data

I was doing youtube clone, during sign up process I got issues with sending data on form-data so my mongoose schema like this:const { Schema, model } = require("mongoose");const userSchema = new...

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mantine Menu.dropdown not working I have paste same code from their Website

I am watching a tutorial in which he used mantine Menu, so inside it he used Menu.Dropdown in which he add some items which works fine in his video, but now when I am working on it I got error and it...

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SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string

Ive read documentation from several pages on SO of this issue, but i havent been able to fix my issue with this particular error. throw new Error('SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must...

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Can we update two data fields in a single query

const query='Update data set name =?, date=? where id=? 'This query throws error, is there any other way to write it?I tried updating two data fields at same time.can we update two data fields in a...

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Error message "ENOENT, no such file or directory"

I'm getting this error from my Node.js application:ENOENT, no such file or directory '~/Desktop/MyApp/newversion/partials/navigation.jade'I know the file is there because when I try to open the file...

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error when making request in test using mocha with chaiHttp

I try to use chai to make a request to my API on the /login route, but it cannot complete, I can use the same structure to do it for another route but it is not working in the best way.enter image...

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Express.js: Too Many Redirects Issue When Implementing Role-Based...

Encountering an issue with Express.js and Passport.js while implementing role-based authentication. Despite setting up role-specific middleware, I'm facing a 'Too Many Redirects' error. The application...

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